A year to be equipped in planting and sustaining fresh expressions of church
mission shaped ministry is a one-year, part-time course which takes people on a learning journey as part of a supportive community, training them for ministry in fresh expressions of church. Run ecumenically, msm has been presented over 115 times across the UK with more than 3,600 participants – and it is also offered internationally.
Finding out more
For more information please download the course flier or prospectus.
You can find your local course by looking at the map of course locations. If you are interested in running msm in your region, please contact us.
It is also possible to undertake an online version of the course.
mission shaped ministry is run by Fresh Expressions, in partnership with The Church of England, The Methodist Church, The United Reformed Church, The Church of Scotland, The Salvation Army, Baptists Together, CWM-Europe, Church Mission Society, Anglican Church Planting Initiatives, The Congregational Federation and Ground Level Network.
It was a wonderful weekend… all your hard work and planning, the input from the visiting speakers, the venue, so many memories! The praying and sharing with so many wonderful interesting and interested folk surely confirms that God is in control, if ever we doubted!
Iain Todd, msm Inverness
One of the best courses I’ve ever done, I highly recommend mission shaped ministry for anybody.
Alison Gathercole, Clevedon Baptist Church
This is the course I have been crying out for, for a number of years! It is relevant, contemporary, engaging, topical and achieves the balance of combining biblically rooted teaching with culturally sensitivity awareness.
msm participant
I nearly didn’t sign up for mission shaped ministry because I thought I would have heard it all before. But the teaching was excellent and, of course, you learnt as much from other participants from other churches and other denominations. Don’t miss it as I nearly did.
msm participant
This has been the best training I have ever been involved in. The best part was meeting up every month with other people on this journey. The fellowship and sharing times with the other participants and the leaders were wonderful. I can’t recommend this course highly enough.
msm participant
The next big step in taking fresh expressions of church forward is making the right kind of training available in every part of the country. The course is making a major contribution here and I’m delighted to commend it.
Lord Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-2012
More and more Christian people are being led by God to plant, sustain and lead fresh expressions of church. The course is a crucial means by which the Holy Spirit is preparing them for this calling. Go for it!
Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary, Methodist Church
mission shaped ministry is a gem of a resource for anyone involved in reaching beyond the church walls with the good news. With great content, creatively presented, it is an almost-essential tool for anyone engaged in pioneering ministry or thinking about fresh ways of being church. I’ve done the course myself and regularly recommend it to others.
Ian Bell, Coordinator, VentureFX
If 97% of the nation is not in church every week its either because they are not interested in spiritual things, or because ‘church’ is not sufficiently interesting or interested in them. If the nation is to be changed the church has to change its way of communicating the good news about Jesus. This course has already helped many to reconnect with God’s heart for the nation, and to find new ways of helping the church to find new ways of reaching the 97%. I thoroughly recommend it… but be warned… it might change your life as well as your view of church.
John Coles, Leader, New Wine
mission shaped ministry is a brilliant space to reflect on mission in today’s world with others who are creatively thinking about sharing Christ in a range of contexts and situations. It covers a comprehensive range of mission themes and blends teaching and interaction well. It’s even better if you attend it with some others from your team so you can dream and reflect together!
Jonny Baker, Leadership and Discipleship team, CMS
I wholeheartedly recommend this course, designed to equip all God’s people for the task of establishing authentic and effective Church for this and future generations.
Stuart Bell, Leader, Ground Level Network
Ideal for all those wanting to embrace new ways of being church in a practical way and vital for those already engaged in fresh expressions.
Diane Louise Jordan, Presenter, Songs of Praise