1. The Lord’s Prayer with props
Using everyday ordinary household items as props can help us in understanding the Lord’s Prayer. You can use any props you like, but suggested examples are listed below. You may find that discussing what props to use before you pray is the most interesting part of the whole exercise!
Your kingdom come: a national flag, or a postage stamp.
Your will be done: a recent newspaper, a dog lead, or a map.
On earth as it is in heaven: a picture of earth from space, or a newspaper.
Give us today our daily bread: a loaf or pictures of food, clothing and houses.
Forgive us our debts: a toy gun, or toy handcuffs, or a jail.
As we also have forgiven our debtors: a cross.
And lead us not into temptation: adverts for expensive items.
But deliver us from evil: a bottle labelled ‘poison’ (note: don’t use a real poison bottle!).
For yours is the kingdom: a crown (which could be made of paper).
And the power: foreign money, a toy weapon, or a picture of Parliament.
And the glory: a palm branch, or a picture of fans at a concert or football match.
For ever. Amen: a stopped clock.
You can use this prayer activity in three ways:
You can project images of the items using an OHP or digital projector as you pray rather than using the real props, making sure you give space for reflection on each image. If each line of the prayer was printed alongside the image, people would know when to say the next line.
- You could distribute the props amongst the people in the room. Discuss together which item belongs to which line of the prayer. Then attempt to put them in order! Pray the prayer slowly while each person holds their item up.
- Gather all the props/items together and place them in the centre of your group. As you pray each line of the prayer, pass the appropriate item around your group, pausing long enough for it to make its journey around everyone. Finally, return the items to the middle of the room. Use the time to reflect on each items and the relevant line of the prayer.
For more ideas similar to this see Sue Wallace, Multi-Sensory Scripture, Scripture Union, 2005, p30.
2. Simple visual Lord’s Prayer
Very simple PowerPoint presentation, with still photos and text, from the twelvebaskets website.