1. Celtic creed
You will need: Red tablecloth, gold paper, permanent marker, scissors, large candle, tea light candles.
Cut out a large semicircle arc (approx 80 cm/30 inches diameter) from gold metallic paper. Write on the arc with a permanent marker: ‘We believe and trust in God the Father Almighty’. Place on a red tablecloth. Cut a second arc from the gold paper and write on it: ‘We believe and trust in Jesus Christ his Son’. Cut a third arc from the gold paper and write on it: ‘We believe and trust in the Holy Spirit’. Shape the arcs to form a linked triangle (see picture). Cut out a ring from the gold paper (approx 56 cm/22 inches diameter) and write around the circumference: ‘We believe and trust in the Three in One’. Weave the arms of the knot under and over the circle as shown in the diagram to create the knot.
A Celtic knot is symbolic of the faithful eternal love of God. Light the main candle and place in the centre of the knot, then sing or proclaim together.
We believe and trust in God the Father Almighty.
We believe and trust in Jesus Christ his Son.
We believe and trust in the Holy Spirit.
We believe and trust in the Three in One.
The music to this song is available on track 8 of the Celtic Daily Prayer CD from the Northumbria Community.
This could lead very naturally into prayers of intercession as participants light tea light candles (symbolising the person or situation they are offering to God) from a central candle (symbolising ‘The Light of the World’). As they light the tea light, they could share the name or situation they are offering to God – or do this in silence.
2. Creed with visuals
Remembering that children will be at different stages of learning to read, support the written word with the use of visuals. Project the words of the Nicene Creedslowly with a separate image for each stanza – perhaps using some classic paintings.
Many visuals can be found in the three volumes of Imaging the Word (volume 1, volume 2 and volume 3) that follow the lectionary readings.